Fundamentals of Physics Extended (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1-11823-072-8
ISBN 13: 978-1-11823-072-5

Chapter 37 - Relativity - Problems - Page 1148: 38a



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As the shifted wavelength $\lambda=525nm$ is longer than$\lambda_{\circ}=513nm$, therefore the galaxy is preceding the Earth. We know that: $\lambda=\lambda_{\circ}\sqrt\frac{1+B}{1-B}$ This can be simplified and rearranged as: $\frac{1+B}{1-B}=(\frac{\lambda}{\lambda_{\circ}})^2$ We plug in the known vaues to obtain: $\frac{1+B}{1-B}=(\frac{525}{513})^2=1.04733$ $B=0.0231c$
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