Physics (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118486897
ISBN 13: 978-1-11848-689-4

Chapter 11 - Fluids - Problems - Page 311: 51


7.6 cm

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By considering the equilibrium of the system, we can write. Buoyant force + Buoyant force (from oil) = Weight of the cylinder (from water) $F_{Bw}+F_{Bo}=mg$ By using the principle of Archimedes, we can write, $V_{w}\rho_{w}g+V_{o}\rho_{o}g=mg$ ; Let's plug known values into this equation $V_{w}\times1000\space kg/m^{3}+V_{o}\times 750\space kg/m^{3}=7\space kg$ $V_{w}+0.75V_{o}=7\times10^{-3}m^{3}-(1)$ From the figure, we can get, $V_{w}+V_{o}=8.48\times10^{-3}m^{3}-(2)$ (2)-(1)=> $0.275V_{o}=1.48\times10^{-3}m^{3}$ $V_{o}=5.38\times10^{-3}m^{3}$ We can write, $V_{o}=\pi r^{2}h=>h=\frac{V_{o}}{\pi r^{1}}=\frac{5.38\times10^{-3}m^{3}}{\pi (0.15\space m)^{2}}=7.6\space cm$ Thus, the height of the cylinder that is in the oil = 7.6 cm
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