Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Concepts & Applications (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32184-874-8
ISBN 13: 978-0-32184-874-1

Chapter 1-11 - Cumulative Review - Page 776: 7



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Factoring the $GCF=x,$ the given expression, $ x^3-24x^2+80x ,$ is equivalent to \begin{align*} & x(x^2-24x+80) .\end{align*} Using the factoring of trinomials in the form $x^2+bx+c$ method, the $\text{ expression }$ \begin{array}{l}\require{cancel} x^2-24x+80 \end{array} has $c= 80 $ and $b= -24 .$ The two numbers with a product of $c$ and a sum of $b$ are $\left\{ -4,-20 \right\}.$ Using these two numbers, the $\text{ expression }$ above is equivalent to \begin{array}{l}\require{cancel} x(x-4)(x-20) .\end{array} Hence, the factored form of $x^3-24x^2+80x$ is $ x(x-4)(x-20) $.
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