Algebra and Trigonometry 10th Edition

Published by Cengage Learning
ISBN 10: 9781337271172
ISBN 13: 978-1-33727-117-2

Chapter 8 - 8.3 - Vectors in the Plane - 8.3 Exercises - Page 586: 64


$8$ and $\theta =315^{\circ}$

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$\overrightarrow{v} = -4 \sqrt 2 \ \widehat{i} +4 \sqrt 2 \ \widehat{j}$ Magnitude: $||\overrightarrow{v}|| = \sqrt {(-4 \sqrt 2)^{2} + (4 \sqrt 2)^{2}} = 8$ The direction can now be found: $\tan \ \theta = \dfrac{-4 \sqrt 2}{4 \sqrt 2} =-1 \implies \theta =315^{\circ}$
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