Intermediate Algebra for College Students (7th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-13417-894-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-13417-894-3

Chapter 6 - Section 6.4 - Division of Polynomials - Exercise Set - Page 444: 22


$x^{2}+7x+5+\displaystyle \frac{8}{x-1}$

Work Step by Step

$\begin{array}{ccccccccccc} & &x^{2} & +7x& +5 & \\ & &--&-- &--& \\ x-1&) & x^{3} & +6x^{2} & -2x& +3 & & \\ & & x^{3} & -x^{2 }& & & \color{red}{\leftarrow \small{x^{2}(x-1) } } \\ & &--&-- & & & \color{red}{ \small{subtract}} \\ & & & 7x^{2} & -2x & +3 & \\ & & & 7x^{2} & -7x& & \color{red}{\leftarrow \small{7x(x-1) } }\\ & & &--&-- & &\color{red}{ \small{subtract}} \\ & & & & 5x & +3 & \\ & & & & 5x & -5 & \color{red}{\leftarrow \small{5(x-1) } }\\ & & & &-- & -- &\color{red}{ \small{subtract}} \\ & & & & & 8 & \end{array}$ Quotient = $x^{2}+7x+5$ Remainder = $ 8$. $\displaystyle \frac{dividend}{divisor}=quotient+\frac{remainder}{divisor}$ $\displaystyle \frac{ x^{3}+6x^{2}-2x+3}{x-1}$ = $x^{2}+7x+5+\displaystyle \frac{8}{x-1}$
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