The Lemon Tree, written by Sandy Tolan, was published in 2006. The narrative concerns two families, both in Al-Ramla, one Arab and one Jewish. When Bashir Khairi goes to visit his own house in Al-Ramla he was forced to leave, he finds Dalia...

War Dances is a collection of short stories and poems written by Sherman Alexie and published in 2009. In 2010, War Dances won the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction. Sherman Alexie is a Spokane-Coeur d’Alene-American artist, writing novels, short...

The Wife of Martin Guerre is a short novel (or novella) that is based on the strange but true footnotes of history. A man named Arnaud du Tilh was tried in the 16th century for impersonating another man. The key component here is that Janet Lewis...

Alain Locke is an American author born on September 13, 1885 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As a child, he was raised in an academia-focused family as his parents were educators who instilled in him a passion for the arts and literature. After...

The Woman and the Ape is a novel published by the Danish author Peter Høeg in 1996. The novel came after another series of novel that were well received but unfortunately, The woman and the ape was not as well received as the novels before it and...

The Artificial Silk Girl was written by German author Irmgard Keun. She was inspired by Anita Loo's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, leading her to describe pre-Nazi German life from a woman's perspective as well as through the lens of cinematic charisma...

In 1959, Richard Wright would finally complete a long, arduous process of creating a collection of his works that he had begun way back in 1944. At that time, his vision was an anthology to be titled "Seven Men" that would consist entirely of...

Quiet Torrential Sound is a very short play requiring a limited cast and setting published by Joan Ackermann in 1995. The play was also published in its entirety as part of the compilation volume, Ten Minute Plays from the Actor Theater of...

Too Far to Go is a collection of short stories that were written by John Updike and published in 1979. They were published at the same time when a television movie was released of these stories. John Updike is an American author who writes novels,...

“Dave’s Neckliss” (1889) is a short story written by one of the first African-American authors to enjoy success as a writer of fiction: Charles Chesnutt. His reputation was established on the basis of what came to be known as “dialect stories”...