Hamilton is an acclaimed musical that follows the life and exploits of an oft-overlooked Founding Father, Alexander Hamilton. Using innovative musical and theatrical methods, the musical takes the audience through the biography of the impassioned...

Kathryn Bigelow's Detroit (released in 2017) nominally tells the story of the 1967 Detroit Race Riots and the horrible Algiers Motel incident in which police officers murdered several unarmed people - both white and black. More broadly, though, ...

The Slave was a novel written by Polish author Isaac Bashevis Singer and was published in 1962. Singer was born in 1902 and died in 1991. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature sixteen years after the novel was published.

The Slave talks about a...

Most likely written between 750 and 650 B.C., The Odyssey is an epic poem about the wanderings of the Greek hero Odysseus following his victory in the Trojan War (which, if it did indeed take place, occurred in the 12th-century B.C. in Mycenaean...

Markus Zusak began his career as a successful writer of young adult fiction, but for his fifth novel, Zusak set out to relate the experiences of his parents growing up during World War II for an adult audience. Zusak has said that much of the...

Animal Farm was published on the heels of World War II, in England in 1945 and in the United States in 1946. George Orwell wrote the book during the war as a cautionary fable in order to expose the seriousness of the dangers posed by Stalinism and...

Eileen is writer Otessa Moshfegh's successful debut novel. It was shortlisted for the Booker Prize, was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award, and won the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award.

Eileen follows an unhappy and disturbed...

Hawksmoor is a mystery novel written by the English author Peter Ackroyd. It was first published in 1985. Ackroyd's work mostly covers a societal issue or historical recaps. He won many awards for his literary works. Hawksmoor mainly narrates the...

'Tis a Pity She's a Whore is an early modern English tragedy written in the early 1620s by John Ford. It was first published in 1633 and in its original published form was entitled 'Tis Pitty Shee's a Whoore. It was first performed between 1629...