Too Far to Go Background

Too Far to Go Background

Too Far to Go is a collection of short stories that were written by John Updike and published in 1979. They were published at the same time when a television movie was released of these stories. John Updike is an American author who writes novels, poetry, and short stories. He has won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction more than once, a prestigious accomplishment that has only been achieved three times. He is a prolific writer, having published over twenty novels, over ten short story collections, as well as hundreds of poems and criticisms.

Too Far to Go contains stories that are all linked together, focused on the marriage and divorce of Richard and Joan Maple. They take place in New York City during the 1960s as well as all over New England during the 1970s, which is typical of Updike’s work. Some of the short stories were published in The New Yorker, but all the stories that deal with the Richard and Joan are compiled into this one work, Too Far to Go.

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