Black Dog of Fate (An American Son Uncovers His Armenian Past) was written by and tells the story of Peter Balakian. This book was first published during 1997 and was later published again during 1998 by Broadway. Balakian explores the unsettling...

Terrorist (2006) is a novel written by revered American author John Updike. Although Updike's novels are all set in diverse towns across America and feature an equally diverse group of characters, the common thread that stitches all of his writing...

John Updike won the 1964 National Book Award for his third novel, The Centaur. The strangely compelling mixture of contemporary 1947 Pennsylvania and ancient Greek mythological figures like Chiron, Prometheus, Venus and Zeus enticed some critics...

The Cement Garden is Ian McEwan's 1978 novel that explores complex themes of maturing, family, and dealing with loss. The novel follows Jack, the narrator, and his siblings, as they attempt to grow up without having parents. The novel is...

“The Fish” is an oft-anthologized and -studied work, and is usually considered one of Moore’s finest poems. It was first published in 1918 in The Egoist, then slightly revised and included in Alfred Kreymborg’s Others for 1919: An Anthology of New...

As a child, White found complete happiness during summers in the Belgrade Lakes in Maine and this love of nature, which lasted his whole life, inspired all three of his children’s books. His first, Stuart Little took White about eighteen years to...

T.C. Boyle—often found under his name T Coraghessan Boyle—is almost certainly known to most readers of short fiction through his short story “Greasy Lake.” That coming-of-age story that combines humor with terror without any elements of horror is...

Published in 1994, Gardening in the Tropics was the second book of poetry by Olive Senior. The book is a sequence of twelve poems that all begin with the book’s title as their opening line which sets the stage for each individual work of verse to...

With the 1986 publication of her third volume of verse, Thomas and Beulah, Rita Dove was elevated into that most exclusive sphere of American poets: those singled out for distinction with the honor of a Pulitzer Prize. Thomas and Beulah is a...

Mister Pip, written by Lloyd Jones, was published in 2006. It is to some extent a response to the character Pip from the novel Great Expectations. It takes place in the Pacific and is set during the civil war on Bougainville Island.

Matilda is a...

Ian Bone is an Australian novelist born in 1956 in Geelong, Victoria. He possesses a PhD from Adelaide University and works as an English professor. His foray into the realm of young adult fiction began in 1998 with the release of his book...

Lady Murasaki Shikibu’s The Tale of Genji is universally regarded as the finest literary work to come out of medieval Japan. Although published around 1000 A.D., the text would not be translated into English until the second quarter of the 20th...

In the Afterlight is the third book in the trilogy The Darkest Minds, written by Alexandra Bracken, published in 2014. It delves deep into the intriguing story of Ruby, and her fight to save the children of America. The government has set off a...