Lonesome Dove is a Western novel by Larry McMurtry published in 1985. Set in the 1870s, the book follows two retired Texas Rangers named Woodrow Call and Augustus McCrae as they organize a cattle drive and set out from Lonesome Dove, Texas to...

Published in 2023 by Grove Atlantic, The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese is a sprawling family saga that explores themes of faith, loss, and healing. Set against the backdrop of British-occupied Kerala (a state in southwestern India) and...

In the more than one hundred years of history of the film industry, few three-hour films have garnered the level of critical and financial success as Sir Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer, which was released in July 2023 after languishing for years...

Percival Everett’s 2024 novel James, which reimagines Mark Twain’s 1885 novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is about Jim, a slave who runs away with the ambition to get enough money to purchase his wife and daughter from the white slave...

Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan is an historical fiction novella set in 1985 in New Ross, Ireland, and first published in 2020. The novella follows a coal and timber merchant named Bill Furlong in the weeks leading up to Christmas 1985....

Oblomov is the most famous work of prominent Russian author Ivan Goncharov, published in 1859. The novel is set in mid-19th-century Russia and is seen as a brilliant satire on Russian society, particularly the aristocracy’s lifestyle, indolence,...

The poet, playwright, teacher, lecturer, editor, and translator Gillian Clarke was born in Cardiff in 1937. She is considered an integral figure in contemporary Welsh poetry, leading her to become the third National Poet of Wales in 2008 and the...

The Most is a contemporary novel by American author Jessica Anthony. Published by Little, Brown & Company in 2024, the novel explores a marriage on the brink of collapse. Set in 1957 in Newark, Delaware, Kathleen Beckett is a former tennis...

Martyr! is a novel by Iranian American poet and novelist Kaveh Akbar. It was published in 2014 by Knopf Publishing Group. In his debut novel, Akbar incorporates his poetry prowess and takes a crack at literary fiction. A New York Times bestseller,...

Ghostroots is a collection of short stories by Nigerian writer 'Pemi Aguda. It was published by W. W. Norton & Company in 2024. In her debut collection, Aguda reimagines the city of Lagos, full of chaos and the supernatural, in twelve gripping...

The Lives of Lee Miller is a biographical memoir by British photographer Antony Penrose, the son of Lee Miller. It was published in 1985 and later in 1995 by Thames & Hudson. Elizabeth "Lee Miller" Penrose was born in 1907 in New York. At...

Impossible Creatures is a fantasy fiction novel written by Katherine Rundell, a multi-award-winning British author known for her children’s fiction. It was published on September 14, 2023. Rundell has been celebrated for her previous works like ...

Most likely written between 750 and 650 B.C., The Odyssey is an epic poem about the wanderings of the Greek hero Odysseus following his victory in the Trojan War (which, if it did indeed take place, occurred in the 12th-century B.C. in Mycenaean...

In this book from award winner Rita Bullwinkle, written in 2024, eight young girls who dream of becoming world-class boxers stories' are told. To tell their story, Bullwinkle utilizes flashbacks, going back and forth between past and present....

Charlotte Wood's Stone Yard Devotional, which was published in late 2023, tells the story of a young woman who lives in the city and is unhappy with her life. In an attempt to reconnect with her roots and rediscover who she truly is, she decides...

Hirsham Matar's My Friends was published in 2023 and tells the story of a young man named Khaled, who grew up in the unstable streets of Benghazi, Libya. There, Khaled learns the story of a man who gets eaten by a cat. After learning more about...

Yael van der Wouden's The Safekeep was published by Simon and Schuster in mid-2024. The novel is set in the Netherlands, and is set in 1961, years after the end of World War II. The destruction caused by the war, including building damage and bomb...

Samantha Harvey's Orbital was published in late 2023 by Atlantic Monthly Press. Harvey's novel follows six men and women who are travelling across space and time. Although these astronauts at the center of the novel come from vastly different...