Never Fade is a second novel in a three-book series called The Darkest Minds Series, about a fictional world where teenagers become affected by a disease called IAAN and most of them die. Those remaining start to have special abilities and are...

The Darkest Minds is the first in the three-book series of science fiction novels about a world where kids with special abilities are born and deemed threat to the national security.

The first novel follows the young protagonist Ruby who got put...

Immortal is a Young Adult novel by British author and teacher Gillian Shields. It is the first book in the Immortal series, introducing the character of Evie Johnson, a teenage girl shipped to an elite boarding school who soon finds that there are...

John Barth's cerebral novel Chimera (1972) is made up of three seperate but loosely connected novellas: Dunyazadiad, Perseid, and Bellerophoniad. The three novels mirror the way that the mythical Chimera is a hybrid creature composed of three...

Bridget Sprouls is a well-regarded author of multiple poems that have appeared in prestigious publications. Some popular poems of hers are "Scout," "Mouth," and "Down the Shore," but she has more. Sprouls presents a very earthy and cultured tone...

Radiance of Tomorrow is a novel written by Ishmael Beah that was published recently in 2014. The novel was well received, being named one of the Christian Science Monitor’s best fiction books of 2014. Ishmael Beah had published A Long Way Gone in...

The 2007 version of I Am Legend directed by Francis Lawrence and starring Will Smith qualifies as an eccentric version of “third time’s the charm” appeal to the gods of Fate. In fact, the first two cinematic adaptations of Richard Matheson's...

Amnesia is a novel that was written by Australian author Peter Carey and published by Hamish Hamilton Publishing in late 2014. It was released in the English language and has since been translated into no others. It is preceded by the 2012 novel ...

Ted Hughes was born rural North England in 1930. The Hughes were a family of modest means with Irish heritage. Hughes early life was filled with experiences of nature, and the young boy became an avid fisherman. In Grammar School he was encouraged...

Erasure, published in 2001 and winner of the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award 2002, became Percival Everett’s most universally acclaimed novel to date. The story of an African-American writer named Thelonius Ellison who is a critical darling without...

The name Herodotus is almost invariably followed by the term “The Father of History.” That application is deemed deserving because prior to the collected volumes known as The Histories, most of what had passed for historical writing had been...

Andrew Motion ascended to that rarest of lofty spheres in English literature when he stepped into history alongside legendary names like Dryden, Wordsworth and Tennyson by being named England’s poet laureate in 1999. The accomplishment is all more...

Lantana is a 2001 Australian film based on the play Speaking in Tongues by Andrew Bovell, who also adapted the screenplay. This thriller centering on the disappearance of Dr. Valerie Somers took viewers and critics along on a ride of twists and...