A dystopian, post-apocalyptic graphic novel, Simon Stålenhag's The Electric State tells the story of a teenage girl and her robot as they embark on a journey across the United States. Traveling west, the duo come across the ruins of massive...

Offering to the Storm is the final novel in Dolores Redondo's "Batzan" trilogy, published in 2014. Like each of the previous novels in the trilogy, Offering to the Storm follows inspector Amaia Salazar, who is tasked one day with investigating the...

Jenna Evans Welch's Love and Gelato tells the story of an unforgettable summer in Italy. It follows a girl called Lina who goes to Italy at the behest of her dying mother, who implores her to visit the country to finally meet and get to know her...

Rumaan Alam's novel Leave the World Behind was published in 2020 and follows a couple (Amanda and Clay) who are on a vacation in a remote cabin in Long Island, New York. Naturally, they are expected to be alone on their vacation, but their...

Dog Gone: A Lost Pet's Extraordinary Journey and the Family Who Brought Him Home (published in 2016) is author Pauls Toutonghi's book about the real-life story of a golden retriever mix named Gonker, who vanished on a hike with his owner on the...

Dial A for Aunties tells the story of a woman named Meddelin Chan, who accidentally kills her date one day. When the time comes to get rid of the body, Meddelin's mother calls her aunties, all of whom are meddlesome and occasionally annoying. But...

A Lady's Guide to Selling Out follows a woman named Casey Pendergast who has landed a job at one of the top advertisement agencies in the world. But Casey, who was considered to be a book-loving English major by her friends and family, is...

Mr. Harrigan's Phone is a short story by American horror writer Stephen King. It first appeared in a collection of King's previously unpublished work titled If It Bleeds. The collection was published on April 28th, 2020.

King considers the works...

Jaroslav Kalfar's Spaceman of Bohemia is a novel published in 2017. The novel is told from the perspective of Jakub Procházka, the first astronaut from the newly independent Czech Republic (which formed after the fall of the Soviet Union in the...

Nimona is a graphic novel by Noelle Stevenson published in 2015 by HarperCollins. It tells the story of the eponymous Nimona, a shapeshifter. One day, Nimona decides to partner with the villainous Ballister Blackheart so that the two can destroy...

Mark Greaney's novel The Gray Man was published in 2009. The work features the eponymous gray man, a former CIA assassin who is now a world-class freelance assassin. Although he is typically called the gray man during work hours, his real name is...

One of Rice's most famous novels is Taltos, which was published in 1994 as the third installment in her Lives of the Mayfair Witches trilogy. Anne Rice is arguably best known for the novel Interview with a Vampire, which was adapted into a film of...

Lasher, which was published by Knopf in 1993, is the second novel in acclaimed author Anne Rice's Lives of the Mayfair Witches trilogy. It tells the story of Dr. Rowan Mayfair, who in the previous novel in the trilogy (The Witching Hour) had...

Anne Rice's The Witching Hour is the first novel in her Lives of the Mayfair Witches trilogy. Published by Knopf in 1990, the novel tells the story of Dr. Rowan Mayfair, a talented neurosurgeon from San Francisco, California. For much of her life,...

Morgan Talty's Night of the Living Rez is a novel published in 2022. It is set against a very unique backdrop: a Native American community in Maine, United States. Fundamentally, it is an exploration of what it means to be a Native American...

Originally published in April 2021, The Music of Bees is a debut novel written by author and beekeeper Eileen Garvin. It is set in the small town of Hood River in Oregon where Garvin also resides. She derives her stories from her own experiences...

Set in London, England in 1965, Grame Macrae Burnet's bestselling novel Case Study tells the story of a young girl who believes her sister's psychotherapist, Collins Braithwaite, has coaxed her into suicide. To try and figure out what really...

Love Marriage is a contemporary novel written by British author Monica Ali. It was published in February of 2022 by Virago Press. In her fifth novel, the author explores the subjects of the immigrant experience and cultural diversity in Britain....