Teacher Guide

When I Was Puerto Rican Lesson Plan

Relationship to Other Books

Esmeralda Santigo has two other memoirs. Almost a Woman: A Memoir (1990) begins where When I Was Puerto Rican ends, detailing her life as a teenager and beyond, continuing to struggle with her identity as either Puerto Rican or New Yorker. The Turkish Lover: A Memoir (2004) is Santiago's third memoir and begins where Almost a Woman ends, telling the story of a bitter and abusive love affair she went through as an adult.

René Marqués is a Puerto Rican author whose writing often dives deep into Puerto Rican culture. His three-act play, La Carreta (1953) follows a jíbaro family who moves to the US in search of a better life. Judith Ortiz Cofer's memoir (also partly poetry) Silent Dancing: A...

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