Fundamentals of Physics Extended (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1-11823-072-8
ISBN 13: 978-1-11823-072-5

Chapter 4 - Motion in Two and Three Dimensions - Problems - Page 90: 93f


$|v_3| =1.2km/h$

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$d=(90i) km$ $ d_1+d_2 = (60i-20j)km$ Getting the distance, $d_3$: $d= d_1+d_2+d_3$ $d_3 = d- (d_1+d_2)$ $d_3 = [90i- (60i-20j)]km$ $d_3 = [30i +20j]km$ Getting the velocity, $v_3$ from the distance, $d_3$ and time, $t_3$: $v_3 = \frac{d_3}{t_3}$ $v_3 = \frac{(30i +20j)km}{30h}$ $v_3 = (i + 0.667j)km/h$ $|v_3| = \sqrt {1^2 +0.667^2}$ $|v_3| =1.2km/h$
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