Intermediate Algebra (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321785045
ISBN 13: 978-0-32178-504-6

Chapter 6 - Section 6.3 - Simplifying Complex Fractions - Exercise Set - Page 362: 72d


$$ \frac{4x-9y}{4x}$$

Work Step by Step

First, we must recall the rule: $$ a^{-b} = \frac{1}{a^b}$$ This gives: $$ \frac{ \frac{9}{x}-\frac{5}{x-y}}{ \frac{4}{x-y}}$$ We multiply by the least common denominator in the numerator to find: $$ \frac{ \frac{9(x-y)}{x(x-y)}-\frac{5x}{x(x-y)}}{ \frac{4x}{x(x-y)}}$$ This simplifies to: $$ \frac{\frac{4x-9y}{x(x-y)}}{\frac{4x}{x(x-y)}}$$ We simplify to find: $$ \frac{4x-9y}{4x}$$
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