Fadwa Tuqan was a Palestinian poet best known for her outspoken role in the Israel-Palestine conflict. She was born to a wealthy and renowned family in Nablus, Palestine, in 1917. She suffered from poor health as a young girl, and was forced to...

Lady Audley's Secret was first published in serial form, meaning it appeared in short installments at regular intervals rather than all at once. This method of publishing, which was common in the Victorian period, suited works that were dramatic...

Crossed, the second book of Ally Condie's Matched trilogy, is a young adult, dystopian, romance novel featuring Cassia Reyes and Ky Markham as protagonists. The book details Cassia and Ky's fight to reunite after forced estrangement at the hands...

Kindred is science fiction writer Octavia Butler’s most famous work. A genre-bending novel, it includes explorations time travel, antebellum slavery, and feminism, told in gripping and immediate prose. It has been referred to as a work of...

Go Set a Watchman is Harper Lee's second published novel, after her award-winning To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960. Although there are some striking differences between Lee's two novels in terms of style and content, the continuity...

Published in 1995, Krik? Krak! is a collection of 9 short stories written by Haitian-American author Edwidge Danticat. Though they have differing topics and central characters, the stories are linked together because of one central concept: the...

Published in 1997 by Karen Tei Yamashita, Tropic of Orange is an interesting fictional novel that takes into consideration a wide variety of ideas and races. The genre unclear and debatable, the book for sure has a sense of 'magic realism' in it...

Suddenly, Last Summer is a one-act play by Tennessee Williams structured in four scenes. The short drama tends to run around an hour in production and is thematically representative of the bulk of work which makes up this section of Williams’...

John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Four first names that need no last names (though, admittedly, someone named Ringo probably never needs a last name). Back in the 1960’s they were very commonly referred to as “four lads from Liverpool” and they made...

Published in 1987, The Playmaker is a novel by the Australian writer Thomas Keneally. The book is based in 18th century Australia, in a British Penal colony. The convicts, bored and alone on the island, all work together to make a play to...

Jo Shapcott was born in London, England in 1954. She was educated at various institutions, including Trinity College in Dublin, Oxford, and Harvard. She won a National Poetry in 1985, before she had even released a poetry book. Her first book, ...

Coming Up for Air is a fictional classic novel written by George Orwell. It was first published in 1939. George Orwell was an English novelist and was very famous for his novels Animal Farm, which alluded to communism and its problems, and 1984, a...