She Said Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

She Said Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Hollywood is a symbol of women's harassment, which is demonstrated by how powerful men use females as sex objects. Weinstein is mentioned as the main culprit who uses his company to defraud women for sexual gains. Powerful men in the industry threaten the abused women not to report sexual harassment to authorities. Therefore, despite Hollywood being depicted as an icon of success, the reality is different because sex predators control the industry.

Me Too Movement

The Me Too Movement symbolizes women's freedom to talk about sexual abuse in Hollywood. For many years, women suffered in silence. However, the 'Me Too Movement' encouraged women to come out and share their experiences in Hollywood. Jodi and Megan were surprised to learn that almost every woman celebrity who went through Hollywood experienced some sought of sexual abuse.

Jodi and Megan

Jodi and Megan are American investigative journalists that reveal the dark secrets of Hollywood. The men who control the industry force female actresses to have sex before any favors are given. However, Jodi and Megan's investigative reporting represents Hollywood, a sex den where women are sexually abused.

The Title β€˜She Said.’

The title of this book, 'She Said,' symbolizes women's voices. Jodi and Megan interviewed women celebrities, and they gave their views on the sexual abuse claims in Hollywood. In the 'Me Too Movement,' women shared similar experiences in Hollywood, exposing Harvey as the main culprit of sexual abuse against women.

Harvey Weinstein

Weinstein symbolizes the political abuse of power and the regularization of the rape culture in society. Through influence and threats, Harvey Weinstein managed to rape many women who decided to remain quiet because they feared losing their jobs. It is hurtful that women took the rape culture as the new normal to retain their positions in Hollywood.

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