She Said

She Said Analysis

She Said covers stories about a number of celebrities and former company employees whether on or off the record who would confirm a history of harassment, rape as well as consequent non-disclosure bribery. Stories about powerful men caught in the act and women finding the courage to tell it all. It is a powerful narration of how one powerful case on Harvey Weinstein exposes an entire house of cards built on deception, abuse of power, politics, cooperate denial, and greedy ambition. With journalists on hunt and women from all over standing up and saying #Me Too, this time around money and influence was not enough to protect the perpetrators from being exposed.

The renowned investigative journalists narrate an unbiased expose’ of the decades of sexual harassment by Harvey Weinstein. It details several accounts of acts of sexual abuse by this film producer. They also show how his organization would cover up his misconduct by offering bribes and contracts of non-disclosure if the victims wanted to keep their careers and their reputations. Most women would take the bribes since silence was much easier than going up against a renowned producer, it would be their word against his.

The book shows just how much the number one sexual abuse in Hollywood is kept secret. It actually led to new debates and discussions on international levels on date rape and sexual abuse of children. It sensitized the need for change and the establishment of new rules and protections for everyone. This story shows the extent to which men of power continue to abuse it sometimes even in plain sight and how a lot of victims are not brave enough to tell on them.

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