She Said Imagery

She Said Imagery

The imagery of Hollywood's dress code

McGowan recounts the dressing standard that all women in all Hollywood must adhere to. Women are required to wear short dresses that expose their thighs and tops that vividly expose their breasts. Similarly, the tops must show cleavage. In a tweet, McGowan says, "In the Adam Sandler Movie, female actresses are to put on the tank that shows off cleavage (push up bras encouraged)." McWogan's tweet describes Hollywood's actual happenings that make women look like the sexual objects for powerful men in the industry.

The Imagery of Hearing

Jennifer Senior's tweet about Harvey Weinstein depicts the sense of hearing. Jodi looked at the tweet and analyzed it to help him make vital conclusions regarding the rampant cases of sexual abuse in the industry. The author writes, "Two years had passed. Nothing had happened. Jodi had heard that two reports, a writer at New York Magazine and NBC’s Roma Farrow, had tried, but no stories had appeared.”

The imagery of Weinstein’s sexual abuse

The rape incident involving McGowan and Weinstein is well described to help the reader see vividly how the rape culture is executed in the industry. The author describes how Weinstein invited McGowan to his hotel room to discuss her future in the industry. The author writes, "She went to see him at the Stein Eriksen Lodge Deer Valley, Park City, where they met in his room.” After the meeting, McGowan started walking out, but Weinstein was first to execute his mission. The author says, “But on the way out, Weinstein pulled her into a room with a hot tub, stripped her on edge, and forced his face between her legs, according to McGowan." The reader can see clearly that Weinstein's intention for the meeting was not to discuss McGowan's success in the industry but to rape her to satisfy his ego.

The imagery of Hollywood Cartels

The powerful executive men in the industry like Weinstein have set high standards for women because they only admit the most beautiful. To ensure that women who take part in Hollywood are gorgeous, they must have a perfect body. The author writes, “Hollywood was an organized system for abusing women. It lured them with promises of fame, turned them into highly profitable products, treated their bodies as property, required them to look perfect, and then discarded them.” The reader can visualize and comprehend how men abuse women sexually in the industry.

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