She Said Quotes


“It was a rousing defense, not just of journalism but of the rights of women to make allegations against powerful men. When the Times published the letter on its website, it went immediately viral.”

Jodi Kantor, Megan Twohey

The authors initially broke the story through a news publication to expose the sexual misconducts in Hollywood. The book is a follow up after the formation of the #MeToo Movement in supporting the accusers and confronting the accused. Therefore the influence of their exposé was felt throughout the country taking into account the chain of events that followed. The assertion refers to how the exposé was something more than just another story by investigative journalists but something that would change the dynamic of our society. It is was a needed exposure of the rape culture in order for the many victims of sexual assault to have a platform to speak.

“There isn't ever going to be an end…The point is that people have to continue always speaking up. And not being afraid.”

Jodi Kantor, Megan Twohey

The book takes notice of the normalized rape culture in society and how it has been ingrained in the mindset of many. Therefore, the journey towards creating an environment that does not condone sexual misconduct is one that is going to be long. The statement expresses that the emergence of the #MeToo movement is not going to instantly put a stop to the issue. Rather the constant voicing of any sort of misconduct or assault in our hyper-sexualized society is the key to eventually stopping it.

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