She Said Metaphors and Similes

She Said Metaphors and Similes

The Simile of McGowan

The author compares McGowan’s tweet to Adam Sandler’s casting note. The author writes, “The note would need to be phrased just so, with no mention of Weinstein’s name: McGowan had a history of posting private communications on Twitter, like the Adam Sandler casting notice.”

The Simile of the phone call

Jodi remembers how it was hard to make an investigative phone call to McGowan. McGowan's unwillingness to take the phone call is compared to trickery. The author writes, "The call seemed like it could be tricky: McGowan appeared tough, with a buzz cut and that call-to-arms Twitter feed. But the voice on the phone belonged to someone impassioned and game, who had a story and was searching for the right way to tell it.”

The Simile of the films.

McGowan recalls the number of films she had been featured in before meeting Weinstein. The author writes, “She had only been in four or five films, like the teen-horror flick Scream, but she was becoming one of the ingenues of the moment, with multiple new movies at the festival alone.”

The Simile of the rape incident

McGowan narrates her rape encounter with Weinstein when they first met. Weinstein is a womanizer, and he sleeps with any woman he wants because he controls the Hollywood filming industry. McGowan says that as she was walking out after the meeting, Weinstein pulled her back and raped her. During the rape incident, McGowan does not believe what is happening. The author writes, “She said she remembered feeling like she was leaving her body, floating up to the ceiling and observing the scene from above.”

The metaphor of a perfect body

One of the conditions for a woman to take part in Hollywood is to have 'A perfect body.' A perfect body is metaphorically used to mean a sexually attractive body. The men cartels in the Hollywood industry have set high beauty standards for women to have an opportunity to have sex with the top cream category of talented women. Therefore, the 'perfect body' is a phrase used by Hollywood cartels to lure beautiful women to sexual activities.

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