10th Grade

Montana 1948

It’s something every politically-inclined person has heard, a phrase always spoken dripping with condescension: You shouldn’t let your political opinions affect with whom you’re friends. Reasonably, this may have some truth. To go around assessing...



While history has us assume that the idea of masculinity is equated with strength, Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy in Shakespeare’s Macbeth epitomizes the play’s understanding of masculinity in relation to power. When Lady Macbeth commands the spirits, “...


Debbie: An Epic

For a text that so confidently declares itself “an epic,” Lisa Robertson’s Debbie: An Epic demonstrates a peculiar preoccupation with the lyric ‘I.’ Few things at this point could be more tired than to remind us yet again that this ‘I’ is no...



When French Renaissance humanist Thomas More placed the isolated island society of Utopia in the recently uncovered New World, it was not an arbitrary choice. More’s decision to locate this newfound and model world in the Americas endorses the...