
The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?

Flower arranging, a lost razor, bestiality–all topics which are discussed in Edward Albee’s The Goat or Who is Sylvia. Despite its seeming inconsequentiality, the discussion of flower arranging in Act I when paired with the destruction of items in...


In the Woods

The distinction between truth and falsehood is at face value a simple one, but in actuality what is ‘true’ extends beyond the face of the world and permeates all aspects of life. Social systems are built upon the importance of truth, and our...


The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta

Settler common sense, a term popularized by Mark Rifkin, refers to legal and political structures established during times of colonization which are designed to allow “non-native access to indigenous territories” (Settler Common Sense xvi), and...

11th Grade

The Natural

When most people think of heroes, they often associate them with having a happy ending. For example, fairy tales always end with their heroes living happily ever after, but that is not always the case. Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero is...


Tar Baby

Tar Baby, written by Toni Morrison, tells the story of two people from two very different worlds and their journey to find love in a world filled with societal norms, discriminations, and strong ties to the past. The lives of Son and Jadine...


Top Girls

Top Girls, an all-female play written by Caryl Churchill in the early 1980s, focuses almost exclusively on the new struggles women faced in trying to become integrated into and obtain success in the workplace. This struggle is emphasized most...


Top Girls

The goals and struggles associated with the feminist movement have undoubtedly changed over time, transforming as increasing freedom and equality shed light on the more complex issues which surround integrating women wholly into society. Machinal,...


'night, Mother

Marsha Norman’s ‘Night Mother is rife with haunting images and conversations, but no item specified in the play is more revealing than the gun which Jessie chooses to use to end her life. Jessie’s careful decision to use her father’s gun gives...

12th Grade

Willa Cather: Short Stories

As part of human nature, the desire to want more has lead many to a path of self-destruction. By way of illustration, the main character in “Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather, Paul, has an obsession with a more luxurious lifestyle fueling his negative...

12th Grade

The Stranger

A key tenet of existentialism is that as humans, we are all surrounded by absurdity. The very world we live in is absurd, and our actions are the only thing that we have complete control over. In Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov...


The Tempest

Sounds and noises play an important role in any book. All kinds of noises and sounds used by the author are significant in adding “flavor” to the story. Without such noises, readers would perceive the book as “flat” and it may become hard to...