
The Aeneid

Love is something that takes many forms. However, the single word that we use to describe it tends to be rather inadequate considering the many aspects that love constitutes. The best way to describe love is to divide it as the Greeks did into...

11th Grade

Reading in the Dark

In Seamus Deane’s passage “Feet”, a young boy narrates his household and his surroundings under a table through the experiencing eye when his sister is being carried away to the hospital, only to pass away later. With the use of focalization, how...

10th Grade


In his memoir, Night, Elie Wiesel narrates his life as a teenager forced to live in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps, struggling to stay with his father and just barely staying alive. The events described in the memoir show an arc in...

11th Grade

The Color of Water

It is difficult to embrace oneself when surrounded by rejection. Abraham Maslow, American psychologist, crafted his “Hierarchy of Needs” in 1943. The pyramidal structure caps off with the necessity of “self-actualization,” which stresses the...


In Custody


“Living in Delhi I was always surrounded by the sound of Urdu poetry, which is mostlyrecited. But although there is such a reverence for Urdu poetry, the fact that most Muslimsleft India to go to Pakistan meant that most schools and...

12th Grade


Many items have different values in different cultures and in different time periods. Among communities, the same product might have five different values, depending upon necessity of the item, rarity, and beauty. Gold is one such precious metal...


Wuthering Heights

Bringing great controversy with it when it was published in 1847, Wuthering Heights achieved considerable success by rendering many masked, unresolved issues of the time novel was written apparent. The storyline revolves around the narration of...

12th Grade


Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, the 2001 indie mystery film Memento hits home as a thrilling cinematic masterpiece of compositional elements that keeps viewers on the edges of their seats. While all elements of the film are important to...

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

The human world is shaped by hierarchies and power. There are strata of influence through which people of influence and authority are able to suppress and control those who are ranked beneath them in terms of their social function and prestige....

12th Grade


Set in in England during the developments of World War II, Atonement is a multi-dimensional historical narrative that combines the ideas of fantasy versus fiction with love and war. As 13-year-old Briony Tallis witnesses the romance between her...