
The Disappointment

“His silent Griefs, swell up to Storms, And not one God, his Fury spares, He Curst his Birth, his Fate, his Stars, But more the Shepherdesses Charms ; Whose soft bewitching influence, Had Damn'd him to the Hell of Impotence.”

Within the confines...

11th Grade

Pudd'nhead Wilson

Pudd’nhead Wilson is a novel written by Mark Twain that tells the story of two near-twins who were switched at birth. The babies were interchanged because Roxana, the enslaved mother of one child, Chambers, wanted to save her son from the horrors...

10th Grade


A seemingly innocent spark of aspiration can spiral into an ignited wildfire of vengeance. The play written by William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Macbeth, is set in a kingdom in Scotland during the eleventh century; once peaceful and filled to...

12th Grade

The Help

The choice between conformity and independence is one that every person must make at one point or another in his or her life. This truth has been explored in many novels and is frequently exhibited in the lives of the characters. In almost any...


The Waves

Modernist Literature, having its roots in the industrial revolution, is an influential and artistic movement that emerged from the accumulation of other movements and works their artists produced. “In prose, Modernism is associated with attempts...


Fifty Shades of Grey

Taking as a departure point Pierre Bourdieu’s well-established analysis on the forms of individual capital, Catherine Hakim theorises the existence of a fourth personal asset—erotic capital. She contends that women “generally have more erotic...

11th Grade

The Scarlet Letter

“In all great works of fiction, regardless of the grim reality they present, there is an affirmation of life against the transience of that life, an essential defiance. [...] Every great work of art [...] is a celebration, an act of...


The Luck of Roaring Camp

All different parts of the world speak in their own unique way. Dialect can change based off the region you are in, the family you are a part of, the way you were taught, and the society you were brought up in. Many authors write with a certain...


Other Desert Cities

Alcoholism is a serious mental disease that affects a tremendous amount of families in the United States. Not only do the ones with the mental illness suffer, those around them are impacted too. When loved ones are addicted to alcohol, they can...



The Jazz Singer (Alan Crosland), the first feature length film with synchronous sound, was released in 1927 spurring many debates and arguments as to whether the addition of sound would have a positive or negative impact on film as an art form....