
Other Desert Cities

An ego-centered person will always make their decisions based off what will conserve their reputation. Creon, an ego-centered ruler, feels that he must obey the laws set in place by the Gods and does not try to be open minded for his family....

11th Grade

What's Eating Gilbert Grape (Novel)

Most have heard motivational speakers, teachers, or grandmothers proclaim: “Dream big!”, “Shoot for the stars!”. In a small town like Endora, Iowa, “You believe it. You can achieve it!” is matched with an adversarial, “It’s easier said than done.”...

12th Grade

Oryx and Crake

Every day and every year, science and knowledge are progressing. As scientists work to craft new technology, society relies more and more on these products. In Oryx and Crake, Margaret Atwood projects her thoughts on the potential of science...