
The Old Curiosity Shop

Charles Dickens’s The Old Curiosity Shop is a novel in which each prominent character’s moral standing is clearly defined and changes little throughout the duration of the work. The immoral characters, such as Daniel Quilp and the Brasses, remain...

11th Grade

The Waste Land

T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” (1922) and “Burnt Norton” (1935) both discuss the modernist view of post-war Britain, one regarding London and the other using imagery from the country house of Burnt Norton, taking inspiration largely from Eliot’s...

12th Grade

Son of the Revolution

Many Americans are distantly aware of the Cultural Revolution that happened during the second half of the 1900s in China. It is one thing to be aware of this historical period but another to read about it from someone who experienced it first...

10th Grade


“Disgraced” is a play written by Ayad Akhtar which focuses on the raw spots of race and culture present in modern American society. Specifically, it highlights the struggles of being a Muslim in the post-9/11 era. Akhtar accomplishes this by...


The Octopus Museum

Disillusionment is everywhere from our careers, to a significant other that turned out to be the very person we thought they were not, to the reality that human activity is pushing the earth towards destruction. Brenda Shaughnessy touches on this...

9th Grade

Logan (2017 Film)

The year is 2029. The world has seen no new mutants in 25 years; the few mutants who remain live in hiding, fearful of being found out by a world who doesn’t see outsiders in a positive light. Among those in hiding are 90-year-old Charles Xavier...