Physics (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118486897
ISBN 13: 978-1-11848-689-4

Chapter 11 - Fluids - Problems - Page 309: 17


2411 Pa

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Let's apply Newton's second law in the vertical direction to the suitcase to find the upward force that the floor exerts on the suitcase. $\uparrow F=ma$ ; Let's plug known values into this equation. $R-16\space kg\times9.8\space m/s^{2}=16\space kg\times1.5\space m/s^{2}$ $R=180.8\space N$ Pressure on the elevator floor $=\frac{R}{Area}=\frac{180.8\space N}{(0.15\space m)(0.5\space m)}\approx2411\space Pa$
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