Fundamentals of Physics Extended (10th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1-11823-072-8
ISBN 13: 978-1-11823-072-5

Chapter 10 - Rotation - Problems - Page 289: 31a


The least time required for the rotation is $~~40~s$

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We can find the maximum value of the angular speed: $a_c = \omega^2~r$ $\omega^2 = \frac{a_c}{r}$ $\omega = \sqrt{\frac{a_c}{r}}$ $\omega = \sqrt{\frac{400~m/s^2}{0.25~m}}$ $\omega = 40~rad/s$ If the disk accelerates at a constant rate to $\omega = 40~rad/s$, then the average angular speed is $20~rad/s$ We can find the time to rotate through $400~rad$: $t = \frac{\theta}{\omega_{ave}}$ $t = \frac{400~rad}{20~rad/s}$ $t = 20~s$ This time is the time required to complete half the rotation. By symmetry, the deceleration period also takes $20~s$ The minimum required time for the entire rotation is $~~40~s$
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