Precalculus (6th Edition) Blitzer

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-13446-914-3
ISBN 13: 978-0-13446-914-0

Chapter 2 - Section 2.3 - Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs - Exercise Set - Page 349: 53


a. $x\to-\infty, y\to\infty$ and $x\to\infty, y\to-\infty$, b. $x=0,3$, crosses the x-axis at $x=3$, will touch and turn around at $x=0$ c. $y=0$. d. neither e. See graph,

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Given the function $f(x)=-x^3+3x^2$, we have: a. The leading term is $-x^3$ with a coefficient of $-1$ and an odd power; thus $x\to-\infty, y\to\infty$ and $x\to\infty, y\to-\infty$, and the end behaviors are that the curve will fall as $x$ increases (right end) and it will rise as $x$ decreases (left end). b. Factor the equation as $f(x)=-x^2(x-3)$; thus the x-intercepts are $x=0,3$ and the graph crosses the x-axis at $x=3$ (odd multiplicity), but will touch and turn around at $x=0$ (even multiplicity), c. We can find the y-intercept by letting $x=0$, which gives $y=0$. d. Test $f(-x)=-(-x)^3+3(-x)^2=x^3+3x^2$. As $f(-x)\ne f(x)$ and $f(-x)\ne -f(x)$, the graph is neither symmetric with respect to the y-axis nor with the origin. e. See graph; as $n=3$, the maximum number of turning points will be $2$, which agrees with the graph.
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