Calculus (3rd Edition)

Published by W. H. Freeman
ISBN 10: 1464125260
ISBN 13: 978-1-46412-526-3

Chapter 3 - Differentiation - 3.7 The Chain Rule - Exercises - Page 147: 95


The yearly rate of change of $T$ is $\dfrac{dT}{dt}$. $\dfrac{dT}{dt}=0.0972674763$ K/year

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The yearly rate of change of $T$ is $\dfrac{dT}{dt}$. To find $\dfrac{dT}{dt}$. Firstly calculate derivate of $R = σT^{4}$ with respect to time $t$ using the chain rule. We get, $\dfrac{dR}{dt}=\dfrac{dR}{dT}\times \dfrac{dT}{dt}$ Now derivate $R = σT^{4}$ with respect to temperature $T$ using power rule. We get, $\dfrac{dR}{dT}=4\sigma T^{3}$ Substitute $\dfrac{dR}{dT}=4\sigma T^{3}$ in $\dfrac{dR}{dt}=\dfrac{dR}{dT}\times \dfrac{dT}{dt}$. We get $\dfrac{dR}{dt}=4\sigma T^{3}\times \dfrac{dT}{dt}$ Now solve for $\dfrac{dT}{dt}$. We get, $\dfrac{dT}{dt}=\dfrac{1}{4\sigma T^{3}}\times\dfrac{dR}{dt}$ Substitute $\dfrac{dR}{dt}=0.5 Js^{−1}m^{−2} per\hspace{4px} year.$, $T=283 K$ and $σ = 5.67 ×10^{−8} Js^{−1}m^{−2}K^{−4}$. $\dfrac{dT}{dt}=\dfrac{1}{4\times5.67\times10^{-8}\times 283^{3}}\times0.5=0.0972674763$ K/year
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