Office Space was written and directed by Mike Judge who also created Beavis and Butt-Head and Silicon Valley. The film premiered in 1999 and was released by 20th Century Fox. Though it was not a major success finanically at the box office, the...

Based on the actual life of Reliance Industries co-founder Dhirubhai Ambani, Guru is a Indian drama film directed by Mani Ratnam and starring Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai. It premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2007 in the World Cinema...

Imamu Amiri Baraka is a prolific writer and poet active during the 1950s and 1960s. Inspired by the popular culture at the time, as well as the veins of the civil rights movements, Baraka provided powerful commentaries on race and the role it...

Saint Godric of Fichale (sometimes known as Saint Goderic) is an historical figure died on 21st May 1170 at the age of approximately ninety and shortly after his death he became a saint, although he was never formally canonized. In life he was an...

Jesus' Son was written by Denis Johnson and published in 1992. Johnson was an American writer, playwright, and journalist who was born in 1949 and died in 2017. This novel made him popular, as well as his other novel, Tree of Smoke, which won an...

The book Hondo was written based on the film Hondo, starring John Wayne and directed by John Farrow. Adapted by Louis L'Amour, the film was actual based on another one of his books. Hondo is a Western novel set in 1870. The book was published in...

The Gnostic Gospels is the best-known of Elaine Pagels' books studying the early Christian and Nag Hammadi manuscripts. Pagers is a Harvard-educated religious historian and her work generally takes a deeper look into the way in which women were...

A Mexican novel, Aura was written by the Mexican author Carlos Fuentes. It is considered one of Carlos Fuentes's best works. It was published in Spanish in 1962, and an English version of the novel was released in 1965 and on iBooks. The novel has...