An American Dream is a novel by Norman Mailer, first serialized in the magazine Esquire in 1965. The serialized method was previously used by famous authors such as Charles Dickens. Mailer wrote the novel based on a monthly deadline, with each...

Pariah was written and directed by Dee Rees. It was released in 2011, distributed by Focus Features and produced by Nekisa Cooper with Spike Lee being a notable executive producer on the project. The estimated budget for the project was $450,000...

The Persians is considered to be the only existing ancient Greek tragedy that was based on actual historical events. Dating back back to 472 B.C.E, The Persians is a work by one of the most famous of all figures in Greek literature, Aeschylus....

Slapboxing with Jesus is a collection of short stories that was originally published in 1999 and written by Victor LaValle. LaValle, who is an associate professor at the prestigious Columbia University, is an American author and writer. He has...

Playwright August Wilson set out to chronic\le the African-American experience throughout the 20th century by writing one play set in each of the decades. Of the cycle’s ten plays, King Hedley II is the ninth, set in 1985 and includes characters...

English writer Jane Austen wrote in the genre of realism; she also liked to use satire in her works and wrote novels about morals. Her books are considered masterpieces around the world, and each generation reads them with ecstasy. What is the...

Fools and Other Stories is a collection of five stories in which Njabulo Ndebele examines the complexities of life for black South Africans in the closing days of apartheid rule. This book won the Noma Award, the most impressive accolade in Africa...

Shirley is a novel published in 1849 by the English novelist Charlotte Bronte. Her second novel after publishing Jane Eyre, the story popularized a previously only male name into a female one; since the name "Shirley" reflected the title of a book...

Aged 21, Colum McCann, the author of TransAtlantic moved from Dublin to New York to write “the great Irish-American novel”. McCann’s novels typically dwell on multiple storylines, diverse perspectives and wide sympathies- all usually arranged...

Zero Hour! was released in 1957. Directed by Hall Bartlett, written by Arthur Hailey, Hall Bartlett and John Champion and produced by John C. Champion along with Hall Bartlett. The film was distributed by Paramount Pictures and had an estimated...

Arun Krushnaji Kamble was an author and poet from Maharashtra, India. Born in 1953, he died 56 years later in 2009. Not only a poet but also a Dalit activist, Kamble did much for the Indian government, marching and leading protests to challenge...

Citizenfour was released in 2014. It is a documentary directed by Laura Poitras and produced by Mathilde Bonnefoy, Laura Poitras and executive produced by Steven Soderbergh. The film focuses on Poitrais's interaction with Edward Snowden in...