Rumble Young Man Rumble is a 2014 novel by Dante Zuniga-West. It centers around a young man, Quinton, who becomes disillusioned with his life and joins a group of aspiring Muay-Thai fighters.
The story revolves around Quinton, a young man who spends his days getting drunk and watching videos. However, his life turns around when he stumbles accidentally into a gym full of people training to be Muay Thai fighters, who convince him to unleash his anger in fighting. Over the course of the story, Quinton learns how to come to terms with his life through facing martial arts experts, as well as even find love.
Zuniga-West's novel was partially inspired off of his own experience with Muay Thai; he was an instructor. The book was critically well-received. As well, readers found the plot and main character Quinton engaging.