Read chapters 18-24 (second half of Part IV and Coda)
Content Summary for Teachers
Chapters 18-20
Molly enters Jane’s home in the center of Straylight. Fooled by a hologram of Ashpool, she shoots and accidentally detonates a grenade. She loses consciousness, then wakes up surrounded by Riviera, 3Jane, and Hideo, 3Jane’s bodyguard. Back on Marcus Garvey, Wintermute tells Case that he must go into Straylight himself; Molly is too injured, and Wintermute needs to get the password out of 3Jane. Wintermute tells Case to kill Riviera.
When Case walks into Straylight, he sees 3Jane and Molly speaking to each other; 3Jane is surprisingly kind to Molly. Riviera enters, ridiculing Molly and...