Ferris Bueller's Day Off Irony

Ferris Bueller's Day Off Irony

Passed Out

We listen to a student tell her teacher that Ferris was seen passing out at a restaurant the previous night. Ironically, this wasn't true, but the rumor of Ferris' demise has grown to epic proportions within hours.


Jeanie has raced home in order to beat Ferris from getting into the house before her. Ironically, when Ferris is caught by Rooney in the backyard and can't get in she stands up for him; she covers his story to Rooney and reminds the Principal that she knows that he broke into their home.

Father Figure

Rooney doesn't believe that Sloane's father is really on the line so he calls him disrespectful names because he thinks it's Bueller. Ironically, Bueller calls in during Rooney conversation and Rooney now believes he's actually insulted Sloane's Dad when if fact it was Cameron the entire time.


Cameron has always protected his Dad's Ferrari from being driven by Ferris, as it's his father's prized possession. Ironically, he lets Ferris drive it all day in the city and eventually dents the front bumper before it crashes out of the garage window and plummets a story below into the woods.

Race Home

Ferris runs down the street in an attempt to get home and turns to see that his Dad is driving right beside him. Ironically, Ferris' Dad doesn't see him clearly and Ferris is able to keep up his lie.

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