Ferris Bueller's Day Off Imagery

Ferris Bueller's Day Off Imagery

Car Crash

We see Cameron standing a story above his Dad's Ferrari, which has crashed below in the forest under his home. The imagery shows the reality of Cameron's understanding that his stand against his father's prized possession has led to him seemingly destroying the Ferrari for the sake of his anger. It shows that there is far more going on inside of Cameron that he allows himself to show.


We watch as thousands of people gather to dance and sing with Ferris as he sings during a parade in downtown Chicago. The imagery reveals the charisma of this young man and his ability to bring people together, not just for attention but to unify them in a spirit of fun.


We watch as the two valets come flying over a hill in Cameron's Dad's Ferrari. The imagery reveals how this car which Cameron treats with white gloves is being driven recklessly, and it creates suspense in the audience as it causes us to feel for Cameron because he so wants to ensure his Dad doesn't find out. Still, this imagery tells us that nothing good is going to come from this.

Into the Water

Cameron has become unable to express any emotion or to speak for some time as he's with Ferris and Sloane. He then drops into the pool and doesn't choose to come back up for air. He forces Ferris to come in after him. The imagery reveals that Cameron is desperate for attention and care from his friends, a need that isn't given to him by his Mom and Dad.

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