
Jane Eyre

In Charlotte Brontë’s novel, Jane Eyre the protagonist paints four pictures during the plot. These paintings carry meanings in themselves. In addition, the act of painting is important for the main character, since it means her a way of escaping...

12th Grade

In Cold Blood

Truman Capote’s ‘In Cold Blood’, highly contested for its scathing depiction of 1960’s American society is renowned for its portrayal and characterization of the permeating theme; The American Dream. It seeps into all facets of society and impedes...

12th Grade

A Summer Life

It is moments of wrongdoing and subsequent atonement that constitute every child’s coming of age. Within his autobiographical narrative, A Summer’s Life, Gary Soto recreates his fall from innocence as his guilty six-year-old self steals a...

10th Grade

The Odyssey

Though pride can have a negative connotation and is often thought of as a synonym for being full of one’s self, it can also be an honest and healthy feeling of genuine satisfaction with one’s own achievements. In other instances, pride can also...


The New Jim Crow

Mass incarceration has not only emerged as a racialized form of social control fueled by politician’s strategies to gain political status, but has perpetuated a national epidemic characterized by unequal civil liberties and an endless cycle of...

12th Grade

Amy Tan: Short Stories

Tan begins by sharing a story of how she didn’t want to accept herself and her Chinese culture all because a nice-looking guy and his family came over for Christmas Eve dinner. In this story, she explains her thoughts and feelings before, during,...

10th Grade

The Lamp at Noon

People take freedom for granted, on many levels, but have they ever questioned whether freedom is bliss, or a curse? The Lamp at Noon illustrates the protagonist, Ellen’s internal conflicts about fleeing the dust-ridden, barren, prairie farm...

12th Grade

Exeter Book

In Old English Literature, the Anglo-Saxon society portrayed is built upon military achievement in battle and one’s respect for their Lord. Despite this focus, heroic action also occurs in other forms and in contexts outside the battlefield. ‘The...


All Our Relations

Since colonists arrived in Canada, there has been discourse between Indigenous people and the rest of Canada. Colonizers forced their way onto Indigenous land, took ownership of it, and tried to take ownership of the people too. Their attempts at...


High Fidelity

High Fidelity is a well-written and varicoloured novel by Nick Hornby based on the experiences of Rob Fleming, who shows the positive and negative sides of his life to the reader, not to mention his relationships and ways of thinking. The reader...