11th Grade


The novel, 1984 by George Orwell describes a dystopia, a future state in which the government is totalitarian. The documentary film, Secret State of North Korea, directed and produced by James Jones, follows a reporter that interviews different...

12th Grade

The Metamorphosis

What separates humans from the animals we keep in cages? What makes our specific collection of bones classify as human? Over 200,000 years ago, humans evolved into the modern man and since then, brilliant and seemingly impossible feats have been...


Dostoevsky: The Short Fiction

In his short story Bobok, Fyodor Dostoevsky provides a perfect example of one of his favorite devices, magical realism, which paints a realist view of the modern world with the addition of magical elements. The idea that a man might lie down in a...


Anne Sexton: Poems

Anne Sextons confessional lyric poem, “With Mercy for the Greedy” (1962) displays many ways of how she interprets life around her. Sexton tries to believe in religion to have a sense of believing in something, mostly because of her friend “Ruth”,...

12th Grade

Rear Window

Auteur director Alfred Hitchcock first introduced audiences to Rear Window, a film that would go on to reach both critical and commercial success, in the mid-1950s. With this, he left them pondering a question still being debated by viewers today:...