
The Bacchae

When analyzing Greek mythology, it is evident the stories exist to legitimize, explain, or provoke interest in the societal structures in place. However, just as Vergil reworked Homer’s The Odyssey, as The Aeneid, to become a political propaganda...


Ragged Dick

In his “rags to riches” story, Ragged Dick or, Street Life in New York with the Boot Blacks, by Horatio Alger, Jr., we are introduced to the character of Richard Hunter (known on the streets as Ragged Dick), a bootblack working in the rough...


Divine Comedy-I: Inferno

Dante’s Inferno and Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat define their essential beliefs and attitudes regarding sin and the meaning of life. Their contrasting opinions of sin outline the extent to which their values differ and the way they live their lives....


Robert Frost: Poems

Robert Frost wrote almost solely about nature, exposing his belief in pathetic fallacies, the belief that nature should match internal feelings. Additionally, his style is vertical, meaning he looks up to a higher power or meaning. Both...

10th Grade

Digging (Seamus Heaney poem)

In Seamus Heaney’s short autobiographical poem, Digging. Heaney describes his strong feeling towards the land on which he grew up on and the role that he and his relatives played on it, but also his untraditional choice to write rather than dig....

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood, is a nineteen-eighty-five novel depicting the struggles of a young woman unwillingly designated to serve as a surrogate mother for a high ranking official in the totalitarian, theocratic state of Gilead,...


The Winter's Tale

William Shakespeare’s vast collection of plays can generally be categorized by genre: his plays such as Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and Hamlet are considered tragedies, while Twelfth Night and A Midsummer Night’s Dream are considered comedies. One...

8th Grade

The Birds

What about a horror story is chilling to the bone, makes hair stand up on the arms, and leaves the reader gaping and shuddering? In “The Birds” by Daphne du Maurier, the author uses traditional horror-writing techniques to achieve a stirring,...

12th Grade

Bridget Jones's Diary

Helen Fielding’s ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’ is at the forefront of modern female culture, contributing greatly to creating the ‘chick lit’ genre as we know it today. The novel was written and published in the mid-1990s, at a time when post-feminism...



The Normans and the Saxons have expected racism throughout the novel but the ultimate racism is against the Jews. While both Normans and Saxons dislike each other with a somewhat good reason, both, however, are outrageously callous towards Isaac...

12th Grade

T.S. Eliot: Poems

Emotionally charged and deeply intellectual literature acts as the voice of an empathic society, reeked by disturbing uncertainty and consumed by an anxious paralysis. T.S Eliot’s confronting suite of poetry forces a reconciliation with the...

12th Grade

The Handmaid's Tale

In literature, a foil character is utilized by authors to, through contrast of the characters, highlight the characteristics of the protagonist. In Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid’s Tale, Moira is the college friend of Offred and represents Offred’...


A Gesture Life

The accusation that the character “Doc” Franklin Hata lives “a gesture life” gives title to Chang-rae Lee’s novel about the Asian-immigrant experience of displacement and identity when assimilating into American society. A Gesture Life explores...