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Essays include research and analysis on themes, characters, and historical context. Critical essays are a source for examples, essay notes, essay prompts, and essay topics. Essays require membership to view.
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In feudal China, women were supposed to embrace domesticity as homemakers and wives while only the men were certified to participate in the army. The ubiquitous patriarchal psychology in this era obligated women to be subservient to men, their...
Lost in Translation as a romance film that subverts the typical romantic tropes of the genre offers a new take on affection and the power of the unspoken. The 2001 film focuses on the interaction between two central characters, actor Bob Harris...
In Boethius’s The Consolation of Philosophy, Lady Philosophy comes to console Boethius, who is imprisoned for execution and despairing of his fate. After a discourse on her own nature, Lady Philosophy begins Book II by describing Fortune...
The reader is immediately informed of the nature of the poem by the title: ‘Love Songs In Age’ promises a sense of progression, maturity and, naturally, love. The gentle, nostalgic tone Larkin develops is enhanced by the use of a third person...
Manipulation of Language in A Handmaid’s Tale and A Clockwork Orange
Subject: English Category 1
Research Question: How do Anthony Burgess and Margaret Atwood’s manipulate language in order to communicate the respective messages of A Clockwork...
In an interview with The Millions, Teju Cole was quick to state that Salinger’s American classic The Catcher in the Rye is “one of the not-often-noticed shadows” (Morton, 2014) of his debut novel, Open City. At face value this statement simply...
Shreds of Tenderness is a riveting drama written by John Ruganda who is Uganda's best-known playwright. Ruganda deployed the use of various stylistic devices in the drama, which enhanced his developing of the conflict and presentation of the...
The Confessions by Saint Augustine is a book composed of three main, extremely distinct sections. The first is a narrative-style part, telling of his life up to the point of writing The Confessions and confessing to his sins along the way. The...
Although critics describe Bride and Prejudice as “a Bollywood-style version of Jane Austen’s novel” (Brockes, 2004), the film is much more than Pride and Prejudice “transplanted…to India” (Gritten, 2004). If the adaptation was simply a transplant...
One of the more prominent themes in Dante’s Commedia is his repeated use of animal symbolism to either signify a certain vice or virtue or to draw a comparison between a particular animal and humanity. This symbolism is used especially throughout...
Dreams and dreaming permeate Murakami’s works, and After the Quake is no exception, so much so that we can witness layers of dreams in his fiction. Such layering is reminiscent of the dream-within-a-dream-within-dreams dynamic of Christopher Nolan...
Throughout history, regardless of changing contexts, individuals have employed various forms of art to effect political change and expose corruptions within society. W.H Auden’s selection of poems including “Spain” (1937) and “In Memory of W.B....
In the short story In the Penal Colony, Franz Kafka utilizes his characters and their dialogue to foreshadow future events in the story and to relate the individual characters to the story’s overarching theme of corruption and justice. Throughout...
The statement that “[The Circle is] not a perfect piece of cinema” (Sydell) can be considered a gross understatement. The film “met with derisive reviews” (White, May 2017) even “bombing in its first week of release” (White, May 2017) “gross[ing]...
In "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time", the relationship between Ed and Christopher is hindered not by Christopher's Asperger's Syndrome but by the perceived limitations brought by this. Through the development of their...
The River Between, a novel by Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, is set during the pre-colonial eras of the1930s amongst the Gikuyu tribe of the Bantus living in Central Kenya. In the story, a clear rift is developed between two villages, Kameno and Makuyu, the...
In Julian Barnes' The Sense of an Ending, the question of responsibility is one that deeply troubles Tony; it is one that drives him to investigate into the truth of past events, which comes up against his own alleged memory of them. Yet, at the...
Culture as a way of life of a given society that is forwarded from one generation to the next has undergone drastic changes in African societies following the colonization period by European powers. The facets mostly affected include political...
Posthumanism paradoxically reconciles the antagonistic self and other in Thomas Pynchon’s V. through a mechanical transformation of human desire. In revealing these features of the narrative, analysis must draw on the mechanical transformations of...
Woman: a singular word, signifying the collective population of the many. The title Maria, or The Wrongs of Woman suggests the wrongs committed against not only one specific woman, but against all women as a whole. Mary Wollstonecraft deliberately...
When the first cinematic instalment of Trainspotting came out in 1996, certainly nobody in the production crew expected it to become an instantly huge success in Great Britain and, not long after the premiere, worldwide as well. The now iconic...
Each of the brothers in Dostoevesky's The Brothers Karamazov have negative or fatal characteristics that set them apart from the rest of the characters. When broken down, the name Karamazov literally means 'black smear,' which alludes to the...
In The Marble Faun; or The Romance of Monte Beni, one of the major themes investigated by Hawthorne is the double nature of human beings. The dual nature of man, who occupies “a middle ground between spirit and flesh, between the ideal and the...