
Eyes Wide Shut

As we race toward more sophisticated forms of virtual reality, its worth considering the work of Stanley Kubrick. He spent his career probing and solving the questions of immersive storytelling in ways that still remain unique. More than any other...



In the era of postmodernity that we live in today, the ideas of distinguished philosophers still have a lasting legacy that is apparent in many of the established foundations that are the cornerstones of our world. Thomas More and Francesco...


Richard Cory

It is an incredibly common proverb that money cannot buy happiness. Most individuals agree that while money may be able to fulfill physical needs, it cannot fulfill psychological needs. Edward Arlington Robinson indicates this precept in his poem...



Gambling, envy, pride--each represents a specific anti-thesis to one’s general concept of virtue. However, each of these vices dwell within the pages of the Mahabharata. If the Mahabharata serves as a teaching mechanism for its readers, then the...


The Odyssey

The Ancient Greek society that birthed the Odyssey, written around the eighth century BC by Homer, differed greatly from individualistic modern culture. Whereas today civilization can be defined in terms of technology, wealth, or healthcare,...

11th Grade

Christina Rossetti: Poems

Rossetti famously defied Victorian ideals by ending her engagement to James Collinson in 1850 on religious grounds, as she was a devout Tractarian and he had become a Roman Catholic. Her faith coloured every day of her life, even supposedly...

12th Grade

The Bloody Chamber

Dracula’s abrupt opening declaration that Jonathan Harker “left Munich at 8:35 p.m. on 1st May” does very little in terms of setting the initial scene, though readers find the brief nature of Harker’s diary peeling away to reveal the superstitious...



Tragedy and romance are two genres that often go hand-in-hand to effectively enhance the qualities of each throughout the text in which they are present. Two texts that we have read this semester, Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko and Voltaire’s Candide, are...


The Sympathizer

The Sympathizer, the name of the novel by Viet Thanh Nguyen, successfully depicted the main character in the book-- the “narrator” himself. The storytelling was in a quite vulgar yet concise style, which best describes the life of “a spy, a...