10th Grade

The Wave

Conflict is a polysomic notion that shaped by a contradictory relationship between individualism and cultural solidarity. Todd Strasser's The Wave (1981) explores both internal and external conflicts that arise within and between characters as a...


The Circle

The statement that “[The Circle is] not a perfect piece of cinema” (Sydell) can be considered a gross understatement. The film “met with derisive reviews” (White, May 2017) even “bombing in its first week of release” (White, May 2017) “gross[ing]...


The River Between

The River Between, a novel by Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, is set during the pre-colonial eras of the1930s amongst the Gikuyu tribe of the Bantus living in Central Kenya. In the story, a clear rift is developed between two villages, Kameno and Makuyu, the...