The Identity of Water

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Character, like a watercolor painting, is created stroke by stroke. An extra layer of color can change the entire work. Add a layer of water and the intensity and translucency is altered. My academic success is spelled out in black and white, while color comprises my character. I have never seen a watercolor painting lacking color and vibrancy because, like human character, watercolor painting has an innate depth.

From attending art shows strapped to my dad's back as a child to displaying works of my own, I have always gravitated to the uniqueness of watercolors. As I tossed technology and picked up a brush, the realization came that every aspect of my identity is characterized by watercolor painting. Water is essential to watercolor painting just as water sustains all life. The universality of water gives watercolors four main characteristics: creativity, depth, translucency, and simplicity. The boundless possible creations and depth define the mind, the translucence opens the heart, and the simplicity of a blank canvas defines the soul.

The creativity of a watercolor painting is limitless. Much like the mind, a painting can be structured and straightforward, or it can be free flowing and unbounded. But the painting, like the...

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