Georgetown SFS Essay

The Walsh School of Foreign Service was founded more than a century ago to prepare generations of leaders to solve global problems. What is motivating you to dedicate your undergraduate studies to a future in service to the world?

As we biked past our neighborhood’s many red and blue election signs, my friends began relentlessly mocking the uselessness of voting in the upcoming election when the same old parties win every time. We left the signs behind in the dust, but my friend’s dismissive question— “Why should we even care?”—still floated worryingly in my mind.

Whether they care most about economic inequality or racial injustice, I aim to empower young people to effectuate change on their own terms. During high school, I’ve started to do this through presentations to youth on reforming the electoral system and my leadership on the local Youth Council. At Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service, I would be able to expand my perspective on political participation to a global level through the Centennial Labs’ experiential learning model. Classes like Professor Srinivasan’s “Civic Tech Lab” would allow me to take a multidisciplinary approach, applying computer programming skills to public policy with the goal of enhancing public engagement in politics. Being on the Center for Social Justice’s Operation Team, meanwhile, would give me the real-world experience needed to encourage more youth to be involved in local politics or activism.

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