This One Summer Irony

This One Summer Irony

Rose and Duncan's relationship

Readers know that Rose's visions of her potential future with Duncan is untenable because of their significant age differences. Rose is convinced that she and Duncan will be together forever. As Rose constructs her fantasy, readers tear it apart and know something that Rose does not: that the relationship, if it ever starts, will fail.

Teenagers Crudeness

Despite their crudeness, Rose learns a lot from the teenagers who act crudely. She also starts a positive journey through her teenage years despite their negativity and crudeness.


Despite being sick of her parents fighting, Rose fights and yells with her mother fairly consistently.


Rose's mother had a miscarriage the previous summer while swimming (but not because of swimming), yet is incredibly apprehensive to even get close to the water.

"Adult Junk"

“Don't worry about any of this stuff, okay? It's all just adult junk that doesn't mean anything" is ironic because, unbeknownst to her parents, Rose is directly affected by the "adult junk."

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