The Underground Railroad: National Geographic
A map of what is known today as the Underground Railroad, this webpage shows the movement of runaway slaves escaping to freedom. It shows historical possibility of Cora's geographic trajectory, if not the mode of transport on a real railroad.
Unwanted Sterilization and Eugenics Programs in the United States
This website provides an overview of the history of forced sterilization programs in the United States in the 20th century. These programs were part of the eugenics movement. Colson Whitehead places these events in the context of South Carolina society, displacing them from their moment in history but retaining other crucial elements.
U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee
This website provides information about the government-sponsored syphilis study, known as the Tuskegee Study, that inspired Whitehead's depiction of the South Carolina government program in The Underground Railroad.
Did African-American Slaves Rebel?
This website provides information about some of the major slave revolts in American history.