The Room (2003 Film) Background

The Room (2003 Film) Background

The story of the production of Tommy Wiseau's The Room is one of the most fascinating stories in movie history. Delusionally, Wiseau wanted to create the next great American masterpiece, but The Room is widely regarded as one of the worst films ever made. However, it is also a cult classic film which reinvigorated late night movie screenings made famous by The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Nominally, The Room tells the story of Johnny (played by Wiseau), who is involved in a love triangle with Lisa and Mark. But that is one of the few plotlines which runs through the entire film (since the vast majority of the film is dedicated to strange subplots like a football game with Johnny and Mark or Johnny's strange visit to a flower shop).

Although The Room has turned a profit since its disastrously horrible release, it continues to receive bad reviews to this day. Steve Rose of The Guardian, for example, wrote that "To make a movie that's so bad it's good you need vision, drive, luck and obsessive vanity. Fortuitously, The Room's writer/producer/director/star Tommy Wiseau appears to possess all of these qualities, combined with a total lack of acting talent"

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