The Last King of Scotland (2006 Film) Themes

The Last King of Scotland (2006 Film) Themes

Remembrance of History

Remembering what has happened in the past is important for the betterment of the future. The movie is based on the book of the same name, which is then based on a true story. It gives one of the best insights on the Ugandan history in mainstream film so far and shows how one of the worlds dictators, Idi Amin was from the inside, instead of how he decided to present himself on the news.

Leading a Country

Leading a country, or better yet, dictating one is very central in the story. Nicholas initially believes the words on Idi Amin and that he will make the country a better place. Sarah Merrit, however, knows how people that take power acts and foresees that he will be ruthless. The longer Nicholas stayed with Amin, the more of the true character of the general he saw.

Female Discrimination

Uganda is not one of the developed countries. Amin hoped he could change that, with the help of the Scotsman Nicholas Garringan. However, it is not the case in his country nor in his home. Amin had three wives, and their tasks were pleasing him and giving him children. Which they did. However, Kay, that has an epileptic son, understands that Amin is wrong, and she should not be treated the way she is treated. She has to fight her own battle in order to live and in order to save herself.

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