The Glass Hotel Summary

The Glass Hotel Summary

A beautiful bartender called Vincent is working at a five-star glass hotel called Hotel Caiette located at Vancouver islands. The owner of the hotel is Jonathan Alkaitis. Jonathan meets Vincent at this hotel and gives her a hundred dollar tip along with a business card. The two become lovers. In that particular day, a hooded man scribbles a message on the glass wall wishing Jonathan to swallow broken glass. The hooded man is believed to be Paul, who is Vincent’s half-brother. Although the message is intended to reach Jonathan, it is Leon Prevant, a CEO of Neptune-Avramidis who sees it. Prevant becomes worried but orders a drink to get composed.

Jonathan runs an international fraudulent scheme called a Ponzi scheme. He moves virtual funds through the accounts of his clients. Some of the funds he holds include retirement benefits of Prevant and life savings of Olivia. However, his fraudulent scheme collapses ruining the lives of many people. He is taken to prison where ghosts of his victims haunt him. His former employees are aligned to testify against him.

On the other hand, Vincent becomes an assistant cook on a container ship. Here, she mysteriously disappears from the deck of a container ship. The fictional book shows how fraudulent deals can lead a person to tragic consequences.

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